The Magic of Learning

Reading Specialist

Mrs. Amy Roese
Reading Specialist

Reading comprehension helps children in all subject areas and can turn them into lifelong readers.  You can do some activities at home to help improve your child’s reading skills.  Use pre-reading comprehension strategies by having your child look at the cover and the inside pictures to make predictions about a story before reading.  Stop throughout a book, and at the end to talk with your child and make sure that they are understanding what they are reading.  You can even play with inflection.  Try this with your child:  Read a line from a book and have your child repeat it back to you with dramatic expression, inflection and phrasing.  The more your child becomes part of the story, the more they will understand and remember what they have read.  Happy Reading!


Website of the Month


Developed by The Screen Actors Guild Foundation. Storyline Online features accomplished actors and actress reading their favorite children’s books. Each story comes with a free Activity Guide and can be viewed on YouTube or SchoolTube. Rainbow Fish, Wilfred Gordon, Macdonald Partridge and Harry the Dirty Dog are just a few of the many books.


Reading Challenge of the Month
Let’s have some fun with reading!

This month: Read one of your favorite books under the covers with a flashlight.